Implementation of open source ecommerce solutionsChief Technology Officer (CTO) in IT company- who is he?
Chief Technology Officer (CTO) in IT company- who is he?
CTO stands for Chief Technology Officer – one of the most important positions in tech-related companies. For an IT company such an expert is practically indispensable. His job is to be up-to-date with all what is going on in the company – he decides what technologies should be used and how to apply them to ensure efficiency of the processes in the organization. Learn more.
Who is a chief technology officer?
A chief technology officer (CTO) of the company in most cases reports to the CIO directly. He (or she) evaluates currently used and new technologies that could be implemented in day-to-day work. The goal of such a specialist is to improve processes inside of the company to deliver the products and services of the highest quality.
Obviously, to introduce new solutions to the team, CTO has to research new technologies and business approaches on a daily basis. The deep understanding of the company’s needs, values and challenges is crucial, to select the right technologies and strategies to leverage.
What are the responsibilities of CTO in IT company?
CTO in IT companies has huge responsibility and handles many tasks, although duties of this type of expert can differ in various companies.
Development-related tasks
The core technology-related CTO’s tasks are:
- Selecting tech stack – in IT company it is essential to select specific technologies for the projects. Making the right choice is not easy, but CTO has to know, which tech stack guarantees the project’s stability and scalability, but also provide team with necessary amount of flexibility and freedom.
- Improving application architecture – the most competitive companies never stop to assess their projects and modify the development approach. A good CTO observes competitors, learns from partners, evaluates projects and comes with better solutions.
- Choosing tools – CTO needs a vast experience in using various tools. That allows him to recommend the best ones to the team.
- Building and MVP – CTO should know how to create a great MVP for targeted market, but also be aware of the challenges that can occur on particular project. This professional’s job is to establish and enhance the entire process of developing an MVP.
- Mentoring – CTO knows a great deal about technologies, good practices for all development stages and organizing the work in software house. A person like that should be able to support members of the team.
- Participating in recruitment processes – CTO selects technologies used in IT company, hence, he knows what particular skill sets are required. Often, he takes an active part in recruiting tech staff.
Management-related tasks
Due to their deep understanding of both company and technologies in general, CTOs are usually included in making other than technical decisions such as:
- formulating strategy and establishing processes,
- managing work on projects,
- handling crisis situations, if such occur,
- representing company outside of the company on conferences, business meetings, and others,
- implementing new technologies in the place of old ones that have proven inefficient.
To sum up
You may be under the impression that CTO’s work never ends and it is so in fact. The IT company’s executives have to stay focused and dedicated to their roles. They have to be technology’s biggest enthusiasts and critics. Would you like to know more about Softgorillas CTO’s work and accomplishments? Contact us, and we will answer your questions.